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Do Inflatables Need Testing?

Put simply… Yes!

All equipment which is offered to members of the public for commercial hire or reward is required to have in-service safety inspections. This is standard health and safety law and is irrespective of the industry.

If you directly hire out inflatables, supervise inflatables, or have an inflatable which is accessible by members of the public, a safety inspection is required.

HSG175 Cover (1)

What do safety inspections in the inflatable industry look like?

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have produced guidance for the amusement and fairground industry. As part of the guidance, inflatables are considered to be an amusement device.

HSG175 require all amusement devices to undergo annual safety checks by a competent person. More information about what a competent person is can be found below.

The development of HSG175 is to provided specific advice and guidance for particular devices or industries. HSG175 is currently being updated, and PIPA is part of the Fairground Joint Advisory Committee (FJAC) who is helping to provide feedback on the update. Currently, inflatables are required to meet BS EN 14960, and undergo an initial or annual inspection.

Initial inspections ensure the device is safe and meets BS EN 14960. Annual inspections are to ensure the device remains safe for use and has not deteriorated in a way which presents hazards to members of the public.

BS EN 14960 is the European standard for the manufacture and inspections of inflatable play equipment. However, the standard only covers specific types of equipment.

PIPA has ‘scope of the scheme’ which started at BS EN 14960, and has begun to expand into other inflatables, such as non-ride on games, and toddler playzones. For more information about the scope of the PIPA scheme ‘click here’


What is a competent person and why PIPA?

The owner of an inflatable amusement device is called a ‘controller’ under HSG175. It is the responsibility of controllers to ensure that their devices are safe at all times they are used/accessible by members of the public. Part of this involves the controller ensuring the person who undertakes the annual safety inspection is a competent person.

In the event of an accident or investigation, you will be asked who inspected your equipment, and why did you choose that person/company.

By choosing a PIPA inspector you are provided with the necessary assurances that the person is competent to undertake the work. PIPA is one of two schemes listed in HSG175 for safety inspections of inflatable amusement devices. The other scheme is ADIPS (Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme).

You may consider yourself a long-standing individual involved in the industry, and you may think yourself as competent to undertake the annual safety inspection. HSE have produced guidance which can be ‘found here’ [https://www.hse.gov.uk/competence/what-is-competence.htm].

It says: “A competent person is not someone who simply has the competence to carry out a particular task safely. In general terms, the definition of a competent person is someone who has the necessary skills, experience and knowledge to manage health and safety. “

Law Related Image

Is guidance law?

PIPA cannot provide legal advice about the health and safety requirements of your company. However, it is key to note that the controller is the legally responsible ‘person’ (be it a company or an individual). Directors of companies are held responsible for breaches of health and safety law.

We advise you consider HSG175 as good as law, as it is relied upon by HSE and enforcers to the standards in the industry. Only think otherwise if you have had sound legal advice from a legal firm.

An unfortunate and very sad example involves the death of a 3 year old girl at Gorleston beach. Whilst the device was not an inflatable, it is the most recent prosecution which shows why health and safety law is required and HSG175 must be followed. Details can be ‘found here’.

Gorleston beach incident article

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