
What is PIPA?

Find out about what PIPA is, and why it helps you.



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You may be wondering what PIPA is, why it exists, and why it is important to you.

In this guide, we will describe what PIPA is and why it is important to the inflatable industry.


What is PIPA?

PIPA is a professional association for inspection bodies within the inflatable industry. Any inspection body who is a member of PIPA is required to follow PIPA’s scheme rules.

This means for those who use a PIPA inspector and have a PIPA inspection completed on their equipment, you have an additional layer of protection. This is because as part of the scheme rules, PIPA inspectors are required to provide a sound service only on equipment they are competent to inspect.

For more information, check out our ‘About Us’ page in the following link.

About Us

Why does PIPA help you?

When you have your inflatables inspected, you want to ensure you chose the correct person for the job. This is because, as a controller of a device (i.e. the owner), you are responsible for ensuring it is safe to use. As part of these requirements, you have to show why you chose a particular person to undertake the annual inflatable safety checks. PIPA does this for you.

PIPA ensures its inspectors are competent to do the job. To ensure they remain competent, we audit our inspectors work proactively, and respond to any concerns or complaints reactively. In the event of an inspector providing substandard levels of work, we help the inspector to improve their working practices or take action to remove them from the scheme.

PIPA also issues up to date guidance and advice for PIPA inspectors to follow, ensuring your inflatable amusement devices are in line with good industry practice.

This means as a controller, choosing PIPA helps you to show you are following good industry practice and standards. And your equipment is being inspected against the most up to date information and guidance.