Please note the office will be closed from Friday 20th December until Monday 6th January...... Wishing you a happy holiday season and a joyous New Year, from all of the PIPA team

Report a Complaint or a Concern

PIPA LOGO Web (002)

Report a Complaint to PIPA

PIPA can investigate concerns which relate to:

  • A PIPA inspector
  • A PIPA office or PLG member
  • A PIPA tagged inflatable device

Please email any PIPA concerns directly to

How to report a complaint about unsafe inflatables not under the PIPA scheme:

Do you have a concern about poorly set up inflatables? Or unsafe practices?

Do you think there is a company in your area who are not complying with the regulations?

PIPA only has the power to be able to take action against those who fall under the PIPA scheme. If your complaint is about an inflatable, or people who set up inflatables, and they do not fall under the above types of concern, click the link below to find out more about how to raise your concern.

Making a Complaint outside of PIPA

Where to next?

Check a Tag

Understand our Tags

PIPA Tags are the registration plate of inflatables which fall under the PIPA inspection scheme.

Enter the tag number to view the current inspection reports for your device

Check a Report

Understand our Reports

Inspection reports are issued by PIPA inspectors against tagged devices

Enter the inspection report number to view the inspection report in full