
Project Alpha

PIPA is changing... Find out about what Project Alpha is all about, and where PIPA is heading

Project Alpha

In 2023, the PIPA Leadership Group (PLG) identified a need to move PIPA forward and secure its operation for the next 10 years. Project Alpha was created to improve the operation of PIPA and align it with the requirements of UKAS and expectations of its stakeholders.

The main aims of Project Alpha is to :

  • Bring the operation of PIPA in-house, and remove the reliance on external third party secretariat companies
  • Improve the effectiveness of the PLG by moving it to a strategic board function
  • Build on PIPA's current governance arrangementsĀ 
  • Seek input from all stakeholders to identify what is expected from PIPA in the future
  • Improve the consistency of PIPA inspections by building a clear framework against HSG175
  • Achieve UKAS accreditation and transition all members to certification


Project Alpha is being implemented in two parks:

Phase 1

  • Move the PIPA operation to an in-house employed staffing model
  • Improve the day to day efficiencies of PIPA by implementing new processes and technology solutions
  • Alter the governance of the organisation, to enable a Managing Director position to oversee the day to day operation of PIPA
  • Move the position of the PLG to a strategic position to direct the future of PIPA and hold the PIPA office to account

Phase 2

  • Seek input from all stakeholders into the operation of PIPA to align it to their expectations through use of a consultation process
  • Implement the views identified from the consultation process to ensure PIPA is moving in the direction of what is expected
  • Align the PIPA training and examination process to enable accreditation by UKAS
  • Develop the PIPA inspection into a framework which meets the requirements of HSG175
  • Require all inspectors to undergo certification against the new framework once accredited by UKAS


November 2023 - Project Alpha Initiated
January 2024 - New PIPA Office Commenced
February 2024 - Project Alpha Agreed by Members at EGM
April 2024 - New PLG Structure Commenced
May/June 2024 - PIPA Review 2024 (Consultation Process)
October 2024 - PIPA AGM with Required Scheme Changes
October 2024 onwards - UKAS Accreditation

Click to read the outcome from the PIPA Review 2024

PIPA Review 2024 FINAL